
Perfect BBQ cabinet 27" modules. Custom build your own island up to 16' long POEK SYSTEM

Our POEK System (Perfect Outdoor Entertainment + Kitchen System)  These modules use a "common rail" system are the universal basics for almost any Grill project up to a 42" grill (cut out width). Frame rails can be cut down to fit any opening specification required.  

End rails Modules come in packages of two. End modules are exact same dimensions as component modules and can be interchanged.  End modules have an additional "center rail" for your concrete board attachment.   Center support is vital to prevent veneer from vibrations and possible damage from years of use.    .

All  modules are 26" x 36" x 1" wide as built, and 27" wide when faced with 1/2" concrete or hardiboard and generally 37.25" tall when granite countertops are used that are 1.25" thick.   . These 27" modules are for basic layouts with no backsplash.  If you require a backsplash the 30" module is required. (coming in 2025).   

Order component modules based on how many components you have.  Modules are generally needed in sets of two (exceptions include one sided egg step downs, or L shape cabinets that need 1 additional end cap).     Stacked components, such as a side burner and 2 drawer set underneath generally only require1 module set, but may need additional cross framing for significant width variations on stacked components. 

 Differences in component width sizing will be adjusted using provided materials.    A 21" wide trash unit requires 1 module set that would require less filler rails than a 32" wide door set .    The modules are all exactly the same, but the amount of extra framing that comes with it is being provided as a "set" for ease of " ordering. When in doubt, order the next size up frame width and it can be cut down to any size you need.   

Ordering: Any component can be installed in any location within your island.  For purposes of simplifying the ordering process we have given each product an island location designation.   Add up all of your component "overall sizes" + then add your desired spacing between each product, and from each end of island.  This is your overall island size.  Considerations for ordering include, for example,   that an 8' island can not have 4 positions, but can have either 2 or 3 depending on component sizes chosen.      Order for each product within a position (not the product location in your specific island)   

For ordering purposes, the grill is always referred to as position #1.   The "grill module set" will include framing for both the grill and the door/drawer unit below it.   It contains 4 horizontal framing rails up to 42" wide, 2 modules, 2 upright supports, and 1 drawer support.   3 rails will be used on face of cabinet and 1 behind grill, all four will be cut to exact same cutout width at time of installation.   Due to width of all grills, one additional "rear of cabinet" support is also included to attach concrete board and reduce the span between supports.   Position one provides hardware for two components, the grill and the door/drawer access underneath it.    

Positions #2, #3,#4 will include options for how wide your components cut out openings will be and will include upper and lower horizontal framing for the component, and a support rail for drawers or trash units.   Any component can be placed anywhere in your island.   Positions are allocated only for ordering purposes.    Most islands will not require all ordering positions.   Choose only what you need, and leave other options as "none"      

Positions #2,#3,#4 can also be use for Fridge, kegerators, or icemakers of any width.   These products require 2 modules for side, front, and back support, but do not need any cross rails or drawer supports.     There is a "fridge" option in each of those positions.      

Grills with door/drawer sets underneath require  4 framing rails, possible additional uprights, and a support for the drawer set.    An additional rear frame rail is also included.

Side burners without a component below them just use a set of 2 standard modules.  A side burner with a cabinet underneath may require additional framing.   Our Side burner frame out kit will assist if you have a component under your side burner that is wider than the side burner itself, but it is not required if the component cut out opening is less wide than the side burner.     

Hardibacker, concrete board, or GoBoard is most commonly found in 5" lengths.  One, rear of cabinet, joining rail for every additional 5' of cabinet.   A 10' cabinet needs one joining rail at 5', and 8' cabinet also needs one joining rail, while an 11' cabinet needs 2 joining rails.   Joining rails will be included based on common rail lengths ordered. 

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$0.00 /Each.
Select Options:
Size of your island (in feet) Can be cut down to exact sizes as needed. Includes (3x) 1.5" x 1" rails and (1x) 1" x 1" top rail. Shipping limits size to 48" max, so connectors will be included
End modules with extra center rail (set of 2)
Position #1 Grill and cabinet framing/supports. (2) 27" modules, 4 framing rails/2 upright framing rails/1 drawer support/2 frame support blocks, and 1 rear cabinet support
Position #2 modules for additional components (choose by max cutout width)
Position #3 modules for additional components (choose by max cutout width)
Position #4 modules for additional components (choose by max cutout width)
27" Position #5 Egg stand modules
Drop counter for power burner (two modules/2 drop modules/ framing/hardware)
This option only for islands with a side burner that has a component underneath wider than sideburner itself (door/drawer)

Our 27" universal module for building cabinets is a revolutionary way to construct outdoor kitchens and living spaces.  In addition to being 1/8" wall welded aluminum tubing,  our modules will construct all four of the main structural considerations of any project.   Each module is designed to simplify the entire support structure, back wall support, front wall support, and countertop support all in one step.   At the same time it also simplifies the component framing, requiring only a few simple cuts.   We have done the difficult part of creating the structure.   This system can be either bolted or welded together.   We do not require you to purchase the common frame rails through us either.   If you choose, you can locally acquire those materials at any length you need.  .  

The only Module that is "different" for the standard module system is the end units.     We have added an extra rail to attach your concrete board, or hardibacker to, for additional strength of your veneer stone.    L shaped,  U shaped, or galley style  islands can easily be configured by purchasing additional modules and support rails.